Why shop local? Here’s why!

It’s so easy to duck into the supermarket to pick up a few things for dinner, or to do one big shop to get it over with, but there are lots of good reasons to shop local. Buying from your local green grocer, butcher or bakery has many benefits – from keeping your dollars in your community, to being positive for the environment through reduced distances your products need to travel to get to you.

As well as supporting local business by shopping local, even more opportunities to buy direct from farmers are popping up through farmers markets. Not only can you buy fresh, you can chat to the person who actually produced the food!

Other markets are popping up all the time where you can source items made locally. Whether it be homewares, clothing or accessories, check out what’s on in your area.

For other items, second hand can be a great way to go. A second hand store or op shop can really come up with some gems! And buying less brand new products is gentler on the environment too.

Here are a few good reasons to shop local.

  1. Support the grower

Check out your local farmers market and skip the middle man. Farmers markets are a great chance to buy fresh produce direct from the grower. You are supporting the local economy and making sure the grower gets a good deal. You know where the food was grown and can be sure the produce hasn’t been sitting on the shelf for days, or refrigerated for long periods.

If you visit a farmers market regularly, see if they have a membership option – many offer a discount on your purchases and other great perks, like free coffees! Check out your local farmers market to see what they offer.

  1. Reduce transport

When you buy from the supermarket, it’s hard to know where what you are buying came from and the miles it travelled to get to you. Maybe it came from interstate on a truck or train. Maybe from overseas on a plane or ship. Every food mile travelled requires energy and contributes to pollution, and the less distance your products travel, the less impact on the environment. Not only can locally grown produce be fresher and tastier, it is better for the environment too. It is also less likely to have been refrigerated for long periods while being transported.

  1. Make a day of it!

A trip to the farmers market can be really fun – many have breakfast options, coffee and tasty treats that you can enjoy while you look around. It’s a great chance to get out and about, perhaps to a regional area where you wouldn’t normally go. Some even have wine and produce tasting, a real experience! For those in Adelaide, check out the Adelaide Farmers Market at the Showgrounds for something close to the city, or the Willunga Farmers Market (http://www.willungafarmersmarket.com.au/) for seasonal and artisan produce. For a northern option, try the Barossa Farmers Market in Angaston for fresh and healthy produce from the Barossa Valley.

If you like markets in general, check out what is happening in your neighbourhood. Markets are a great way to get out of the house and support local producers and makers.

  1. Support small business

Small businesses everywhere are doing it tough. Shopping local can help small businesses thrive and your dollars are more likely to stay in your community. Whether it’s the local green grocer, butcher or small-goods store, I’m sure they’ll appreciate your business. You are likely to experience other benefits in this list too – fresher produce, less transport miles and plenty of positives for the environment.

  1. A healthier you and a healthier environment

Buying local and fresh produce can be better for you all round. Buying more fresh food and less processed food can be healthier for your body, and also produces less waste. Fresh produce isn’t packaged like processed food, and if you take your own shopping bags you are reducing waste from plastic bags. So many positives for you and the environment!

  1. Reuse and recycle

There are many markets and stores around nowadays that promote the sale of pre-loved goods, or up-cycled products. For clothing, there are markets where stallholders sell good quality items and give them a second life. Vintage is popular and you may just find something pre-loved and perfect for you! One of my faves is Round She Goes, a market for preloved quality clothes and accessories, in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney.

Visiting a second hand shop can also reveal some gems. Things that were built to last! Anything from crockery to glassware, to furniture and clothing, it can be cheaper than buying new and often better quality! It can also be a great way to support your community – visit a local charitable op shop where your dollars are used to help those less fortunate. A great way to help the environment and also help a charity.

There are online options too where you can source pre-loved items. Try Gumtree or Facebook buy/swap/sell pages in your local area to find some good quality items often at a bargain price. Many items are as good as new and no longer suit the owner’s needs, a real bonus for you!

So many reasons to shop local!

So there you have it. Not only can buying local be better for your health, it is also better for the environment. Plenty of reasons to give it a try!

Let us know if you have found a great local outlet or market, or made a great pre-loved purchase, we’d love to hear about it!

Thanks for reading!


For some ideas to reduce waste while you are shopping locally, check out our store here

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