Tag: eco products

fruit and vegetables

4 quick tips to reduce food waste

Food waste has been a hot topic lately. We have learnt that Australians throw out 20% of the food they buy, which equates to every household throwing out $1,036 worth of groceries every year[1]. With many families struggling to make ends meet, and with people on the streets wondering where their next meal will come from, this just doesn’t seem right.

On a global level, roughly one third of the food produced in the world goes to waste[2]. This is shocking on a humanitarian level, as we see people in many countries (as well as our own) starving, but also on an environmental level as the resources that go into producing that food also goes to waste.

Charities like OzHarvest are helping where they can, by collecting and distributing food that would normally go to waste to those in need. Read more

The ‘why’ behind Green Bandicoot Styling – reduce, reuse, recycle

Hello there!

I am excited to be writing about my new adventure – my mission to help reduce, reuse and recycle! For a while now I’ve been making small changes in my life to reduce the amount of plastic I use, how much food I throw out, where and how often I shop and how much I buy. I’ve found that by changing my habits, one at a time, I am reducing how much I throw away, and ultimately – my impact on the earth. I am being more mindful of my choices as a consumer and what I actually need (does all that stuff really make me happy?) and this has led me to want to write about what I’m learning and how easy it is to make some changes that seem small for one person but that can make a big difference at a collective level. Read more


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