Day: October 2, 2017

Coffee pods – convenience vs the guilt of extra waste

Coffee pods – they have made it so quick and easy to make a delicious coffee at home or work and the convenience is brilliant! It’s no wonder they are so popular. But, they have created an extra source of waste that comes at a cost.

Choice reports that Australians are using more than three million coffee pods per day!! Aluminium pods can be recycled but it is estimated that millions of kilograms of aluminium has ended up in landfill[1]. That is a huge waste let alone the amount of natural resources needed to make the pods in the first place.

While aluminium pods can be recycled, in the scheme of things it is better to ‘reduce’ the need for an item, or ‘reuse’ items, and then if the first two options can’t be achieved – the third option is to ‘recycle’. Read more


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