Day: July 29, 2017

farmers market buy local

Why shop local? Here’s why!

It’s so easy to duck into the supermarket to pick up a few things for dinner, or to do one big shop to get it over with, but there are lots of good reasons to shop local. Buying from your local green grocer, butcher or bakery has many benefits – from keeping your dollars in your community, to being positive for the environment through reduced distances your products need to travel to get to you.

As well as supporting local business by shopping local, even more opportunities to buy direct from farmers are popping up through farmers markets. Not only can you buy fresh, you can chat to the person who actually produced the food!

Other markets are popping up all the time where you can source items made locally. Whether it be homewares, clothing or accessories, check out what’s on in your area. Read more

fruit and vegetables

4 quick tips to reduce food waste

Food waste has been a hot topic lately. We have learnt that Australians throw out 20% of the food they buy, which equates to every household throwing out $1,036 worth of groceries every year[1]. With many families struggling to make ends meet, and with people on the streets wondering where their next meal will come from, this just doesn’t seem right.

On a global level, roughly one third of the food produced in the world goes to waste[2]. This is shocking on a humanitarian level, as we see people in many countries (as well as our own) starving, but also on an environmental level as the resources that go into producing that food also goes to waste.

Charities like OzHarvest are helping where they can, by collecting and distributing food that would normally go to waste to those in need. Read more


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